O. Deussen, T. Lindemeier, S. Pirk, M. Tautzenberger, Feedback-guided Stroke Placement for a Painting Machine, Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, 2012


In this paper we present and evaluate painterly rendering techniques that work within a visual feedback loop of eDavid, our painting robot. The machine aims at simulating the human painting process. Two such methods are compared for different objects. One uses a predefined set of stroke candidates, the other creates strokes directly using line integral convolution. The aesthetics of both methods are discussed, results are shown.<br><br><a target = _blank href = "http://www.pirk.info/projects/stroke_placement/">Project Page</a>


crossref = {COMPAESTH12-proc},
author   = {Oliver Deussen and Thomas Lindemeier and Sören Pirk 
            and Mark Tautzenberger},
title    = {Feedback-guided Stroke Placement for a Painting Machine},
pages    = {25-33},
URL      = {http://diglib.eg.org/EG/DL/WS/COMPAESTH/COMPAESTH12/025-033.pdf},
DOI      = {10.2312/COMPAESTH/COMPAESTH12/025-033},