Qixing Huang, Bart Adams, Martin Wicke, and Leonidas J. Guibas. Non-Rigid Registration Under Isometric Deformations. Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2008 (SGP), Comp. Graphics Forum, 27(5), 1149-1458, 2008.


We present a robust and efficient algorithm for the pairwise non-rigid registration of partially overlapping 3D sur- faces. Our approach treats non-rigid registration as an optimization problem and solves it by alternating between correspondence and deformation optimization. Assuming approximately isometric deformations, robust corre- spondences are generated using a pruning mechanism based on geodesic consistency. We iteratively learn an appropriate deformation discretization from the current set of correspondences and use it to update the corre- spondences in the next iteration. Our algorithm is able to register partially similar point clouds that undergo large deformations, in just a few seconds. We demonstrate the potential of our algorithm in various applications such as example based articulated segmentation, and shape interpolation.


  author = {Qixing Huang and Bart Adams and Martin Wicke and Leonidas Guibas},
  title = {Non-Rigid Registration Under Isometric Deformations},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2008 (SGP)},
  pages = {1149--1458},
  year = {2008}