M. Wand, W.Stra&szlig;er: Multi-Resolution Point-Sample Raytracing.<br />In: Graphics Interface 2003 Conference Proceedings, 2003.


We propose a new strategy for raytracing complex scenes without aliasing artifacts. The algorithm intersects anisotropic ray cones with prefiltered surface sample points from a multi-resolution point hierarchy. The algorithm can be extended to capture effects of distributed raytracing such as blurry reflections, depth of field, or soft shadows. In contrast to former anti-aliasing techniques based on cone tracing, the multi-resolution algorithm can be applied efficiently to scenes of high complexity. The running time does not depend on the variance in the image as this is the case for the prevalent stochastic raytracing techniques. Thus, the new technique is faster than stochastic raytracing for images with many high frequency details.


   AUTHOR = {Michael Wand and Wolfgang Stra{\ss}er},
   TITLE = {Multi-Resolution Point-Sample Raytracing},
   BOOKTITLE = {Graphics Interface 2003 Conference Proceedings},
   INSTITUTION = {Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Computer Science, Graphical-Interactive Systems (WSI/GRIS), University of Tübingen},
   YEAR = {2003},