F. Cazals, J. Giesen, M. Pauly, and A. Zomorodian, The Conformal Alpha Shape Filtration, The Visual Computer, to appear.


<em>Conformal alpha shapes</em> are a new Filtration of the Delaunay triangulation of a Finite set of points in <i>R<sup>d</sup></i>. In contrast to (ordinary) alpha shapes the new Filtration is parameterized by a local scale parameter instead of the global scale parameter in alpha shapes. The local scale parameter <em>conforms</em> to the local geometry and is motivated from applications and previous algorithms in surface reconstruction. We show how conformal alpha shapes can be used for surface reconstruction of nonuniformly sampled surfaces, which is not possible with alpha shapes.


  author = "Cazals, F. and Giesen, J. and Pauly, M. and Zomorodian, A.",
  title = "The Conformal Alpha Shape Filtration",
  journal = "The Visual Computer",
  year = 2006,
%  volume = ??,
%  number = ??,
%  pages = ??,
  note = "to appear"