Cewu Lu

Recent Alum

Email: lucewu@stanford.edu

Research Statement

His research interests fall mainly in Computer Vision,machine learning, Big Data and Robotics. He has published 21 A-class papers ( CVPR, ICCV, IJCV, SIGGRAPH, TIP ). He is conditionally selected as the 1000 Overseas Talent Plan (Young Talent) (中组部青年千人计划) by Chinese central government. He is the technique driver of team 1-HKUST. 1-HKUST participated the Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2014 (ILSVRC 2014), and achieved ranked 4th among 38 winning teams (including Google, Oxford) in the number of object categories won. His proposed decolorization algorithm has been used as a basic tool function used in OpenCV (decolor.cpp). He has one Best Paper Award at the Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) 2012 and one most cited paper among all papers in SIGGRAPH Asia recent 5 years .He serves as an associate editor for [Journal gtCVPR] and reviewer for Journal TPAMI and ToG. His research interests fall mainly in Computer Vision & machine learning & Image/video Processing.

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