Research Statement
Recent Publications
Tianqiang Liu, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Vladimir G. Kim, Qi-Xing Huang, Niloy J. Mitra, and Thomas Funkhouser, Creating Consistent Scene Graphs Using a Probabilistic Grammar, SIGGRAPH Asia 2014
@article{Liu14, Author = {Tianqiang Liu and Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Vladimir G. Kim and Qi-Xing Huang and Niloy J. Mitra and Thomas Funkhouser}, Journal = {Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia)}, Title = {{Creating Consistent Scene Graphs Using a Probabilistic Grammar}}, Number = {6}, Volume = {33}, Year = {2014}}
Qixing Huang, Fan Wang, Leonidas Guibas, Functional map networks for analyzing and exploring large shape collections, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 33, Issue 4, July 2014
@article{hwg-fmnaelsc-14, author = {Huang, Qixing and Wang, Fan and Guibas, Leonidas}, title = {Functional Map Networks for Analyzing and Exploring Large Shape Collections}, journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.}, issue_date = {July 2014}, volume = {33}, number = {4}, month = jul, year = {2014}, issn = {0730-0301}, pages = {36:1--36:11}, articleno = {36}, numpages = {11}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/2601097.2601111}, acmid = {2601111}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {functional maps, shape analysis, shape exploration}, }
Qixing Huang, Leonidas Guibas, and Niloy Mitra. Near-Regular Structure Extraction Using Linear Programming. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2014), 2014.
article{hmg-nrslp-12, author = {Qixing Huang and Leonidas Guibas and Niloy Mitra}, title = {Near-Regular Structure Extraction Using Linear Programming}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics}, }
H. Su, Q. Huang and N.J. Mitra,Y. Li and L. Guibas, Estimating image depth using shape collections, Transactions on Graphics (Special issue of SIGGRAPH 2014).
@article{shmlg_imageDepth_sig14, AUTHOR = "Hao Su and Qixing Huang and Niloy J. Mitra and Yangyan Li and Leonidas Guibas", TITLE = "Estimating Image Depth Using Shape Collections", JOURNAL = "Transactions on Graphics (Special issue of SIGGRAPH 2014)", YEAR = "2014", numpages = {11}, }
Art Tevs, Qixing Huang, Michael Wand, Hans-Peter Seidel, Leonidas Guibas. Relating Shapes via Geometric Symmetries and Regularities. Siggraph 2014, 33(4), 2014. .
@article{thwsg-rsgsr-14, author = {Tevs, Art and Huang, Qixing and Wand, Michael and Seidel, Hans-Peter and Guibas, Leonidas}, title = {Relating Shapes via Geometric Symmetries and Regularities}, journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.}, issue_date = {July 2014}, volume = {33}, number = {4}, month = jul, year = {2014}, issn = {0730-0301}, pages = {119:1--119:12}, articleno = {119}, numpages = {12}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/2601097.2601220}, acmid = {2601220}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {shape correspondences, shape understanding, structural regularity, symmetry}, }
Fan Wang, Qixing Huang, Maks Ovsjanikov, Leonidas Guibas, Unsupervised Multi-Class Joint Image Segmentation. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Columbus, Ohio, June 2014
@CONFERENCE{whog-umjis-14, author = {Fan Wang and Qixing Huang and Maks Ovsjanikov and Leonidas Guibas}, title = {Unsupervised Multi-Class Joint Image Segmentation}, booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, year = {2014} } Warning: file_get_contents(/afs/ /citation.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /afs/ on line 121
Q. Huang, Y. Chen, and L.Guibas, Scalable Semidefinite Relaxation for Maximum A Posterior Estimation. International Conference on Machine Learning, 2014.
@inproceeding{cg-ssrmrf-14, author = {Qixing Huang and Yuxin Chen and Leonidas J. Guibas}, title = {Scalable Semidefinite Relaxation for Maximum A Posterior Estimation}, booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning}, year = {2014} }
Qixing Huang, Hao Su, and Leonidas Guibas. Fine-Grained Semi-Supervised Labeling of Large Shape Collections, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2013), 32(6).
article{hsg-fgssl-13, author = {Qixing Huang and Hao Su and Leonidas Guibas}, title = {Fine-Grained Semi-Supervised Labeling of Large Shape Collections}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics}, issue_date = {December 2013}, volume = {32}, issue = {6}, year = {2013}, pages = {190:1--190:10}, }
Qixing Huang and Leonidas Guibas, Consistent Shape Maps via Semidefinite Programming, Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 32, Issue 5, Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP), 2013. (Best Paper Award).
@article{hg-csmsdp-13, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum, Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP)}, title = {Consistent Shape Maps via Semidefinite Programming}, author = {Qixing Huang and Leonidas Guibas}, pages = {177-186}, volume= {32}, number= {5}, year = {2013} }
Fan Wang, Qixing Huang, and Leonidas Guibas. Image Co-Segmentation via Consistent Functional Maps. The 14th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). Sydney, Australia, December 2013.
@inproceedings{whg-icsfm-13, author = {Fan Wang and Qixing Huang and Leonidas Guibas}, title = {Image Co-Segmentation via Consistent Functional Maps }, booktitle = {In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, year = {2013} }
Y. Li, Q. Huang, M. Kerber, L. Zhang and L. Guibas,
Large-Scale Joint Map Matching of GPS Traces,
In Proceedings of the 21th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, GIS'13, 2013.
@inproceedings{lhkzg-lsjmmgt-13, title = "Large-Scale Joint Map Matching of GPS Traces", author = "Y. Li, Q. Huang, M. Kerber, L. Zhang and L. Guibas", booktitle = "Proc. 21st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems.", year = 2013 }
Chen Chen, Hao Su, Qixing Huang, Lin Zhang and Leonidas Guibas,
Pathlet Learning for Compressing and Planning Trajectories.
In Proceedings of the 21th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, GIS'13, 2013.
@inproceedings{cshzg-gis-13, author = {Chen Chen and Hao Su and Qixing Huang and Lin Zhang and Leonidas Guibas}, title = {Pathlet Learning for Compressing and Planning Trajectories}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems}, series = {GIS '13}, year = {2013}, location = {Orlando, Florida} }
Haochen Tang, Michael Kerber, Qixing Huang, and Leonidas Guibas. Locating Lucrative Passengers for Taxicab Drivers.
In Proceedings of the 21th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, GIS'13, 2013.
@inproceedings{tkhg-llptd-13, author = {Haochen Tang and Michael Kerber and Qixing Huang and Leonidas Guibas}, title = {Locating Lucrative Passengers for Taxicab Drivers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems}, series = {GIS '13}, year = {2013}, location = {Orlando, Florida} }
Yongliang Yang and Qixing Huang, TrayGen: Arranging Objects for Exhibition and Packaging, Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 32, number 7, Pacific Graphics 2013 Conference Proceedings.
@article{yh-traygen-13, author="Yongliang Yang and Qixing Huang", title="TrayGen: Arranging Objects for Exhibition and Packaging", journal="Comput. Graph. Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphic 13)", year="2013", volume="32", number="7" }
Youngmin Kim, Niloy Mitra, Qixing Huang and Leonidas J. Guibas, Guided Real-Time Scanning of Indoor Environments, Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 32, number 7, Pacific Graphics 2013 Conference Proceedings.
@article{kmhg-grtsie-13, author="Youngmin Kim and Niloy Mitra and Qixing Huang and Leonidas J. Guibas", title="Guided Real-Time Scanning of Indoor Environments", journal="Comput. Graph. Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphic 13)", year="2013", volume="32", number="7" }
Lin Gao, Yukun Lai, Qixing Huang and Shimin Hu, A Data-Driven Approach to Realistic Shape Morphing. Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 32, Issue 2, 449-457, Proc. Eurographics 2013
@article{glhh-ddsrsm-13, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {A Data-Driven Approach to Realistic Shape Morphing}, author = {Lin Gao and Yukun Lai and Qixing Huang and Shimin Hu}, pages = {449-457}, volume= {32}, number= {2}, year = {2013} }
Qixing Huang, Guoxin Zhang, Lin Gao, Shimin Hu, Adrian Bustcher, and Leonidas Guibas. An Optimization Approach for Extracting and Encoding Consistent Maps in a Shape Collection, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2012), 31(6).
article{has-hzghbg-12, author = {Qixing Huang and Guoxin Zhang and Lin Gao and Shimin Hu and Adrian Bustcher and Leonidas Guibas}, title = {An Optimization Approach for Extracting and Encoding Consistent Maps in a Shape Collection}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics}, issue_date = {December 2012}, volume = {31}, issue = {6}, year = {2012}, pages = {125:1--125:11}, }
Qixing Huang, Vladlen Koltun, Leonidas Guibas. Joint-Shape Segmentation with Linear Programming. ACM Trans Graph. 30(6) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2011), 125:1-125:11
@article{hkg-jsslp-11, author = {Qixing Huang and Vladlen Koltun and Leonidas Guibas}, title = {Joint-Shape Segmentation with Linear Programming}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics}, issue_date = {December 2011}, volume = {30}, issue = {6}, year = {2011}, pages = {125:1--125:11}, }
Maks Ovsjanikov, Qi-xing Huang and Leonidas Guibas, A Condition Number for Non-Rigid Shape Matching, Comput. Graph. Forum 30(5) (Symposium on Geometry Processing 2011), 1503-1512
@article{ohg-cnsm-11, author = {Ovsjanikov, Maks and Huang, Qi-Xing and Guibas, Leonidas J.}, journal = {Comput. Graph. Forum (Proc. Symposium on Geometry Processing)}, number = {5}, pages = {1503-1512}, title = {A Condition Number for Non-Rigid Shape Matching.}, volume = {30}, year = {2011}, }
Qixing Huang, Mei Han, Bo Wu, Sergey Ioffe. A Hierarchical Conditional Random Field Model for Labeling and Segmenting Images of Street Scenes. International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2011. 1953-1960.
@inproceedings{huang2011hierarchical, title={A hierarchical conditional random field model for labeling and segmenting images of street scenes}, author={Huang, Qixing and Han, Mei and Wu, Bo and Ioffe, Sergey}, booktitle={CVPR 2011}, pages={1953--1960}, year={2011}, organization={IEEE} }
Johannes Wallner, Alexander Schiftner, Martin Kilian, Simon Flöry, Mathias Höbinger, Bailin Deng, Qixing Huang, and Helmut Pottmann. Tiling freeform shapes with straight panels: Algorithmic methods. In C. Ceccato et al., editors, Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, pages 73-86. Springer, 2010.
@inproceedings{wskfhdhp-tfssp-10, author = "Johannes Wallner and Alexander Schiftner and Martin Kilian and Simon Fl"{o}ry and Mathias H"{o}binger and Bailin Deng and Qixing Huang and Helmut Pottmann", title = "Tiling Freeform Shapes With Straight Panels: Algorithmic Methods", booktitle = "Advances in Architectural Geometry", pages = "73-86", year = "2010", }
Helmut Pottmann, Qixing Huang, Bailin Deng, Alexander Schiftner, Martin Kilian, Leonidas Guibas, and Johannes Wallner. Geodesic Patterns. ACM Trans. Graphics, Vol. 29, Nr.3, 2010 (Siggraph 2010).
@article{phdskg-gp-10-2010, title = "Geodesic Patterns", author = "Helmut Pottmann and Qixing Huang and Bailin Deng and Alexander Schiftner and Martin Kilian and Leonidas Guibas and Johannes Wallner", journal = "ACM Trans. Graphics", volume = 29, number = 3, year = "2010", url="" }
Qixing Huang and Dragomir Anguelov. High quality pose estimation by aligning multiple scans to a latent map. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 3-7 May 2010. pages 1353-1360, IEEE, 2010.
@inproceedings{ha-hpeamlm-10, title = {High quality pose estimation by aligning multiple scans to a latent map}, author = {Qixing Huang and Dragomir Anguelov}, year = {2010}, pages = {1353-1360}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 3-7 May 2010}, publisher = {IEEE}, }
Qixing Huang, Radomir Měch, and Nathan Carr. Optimizing Structure Preserving Embedded Deformation for Resizing Images and Vector Art. Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 28, number 7, Pacific Graphics 2009 Conference Proceedings.
@article{hmc-ospd-09, author="Huang, Qi-Xing and Mech, Radom{'i}r and Carr, Nathan", title="Optimizing Structure Preserving Embedded Deformation for Resizing Images and Vector Art", journal="Comput. Graph. Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphic 09)", year="2009", volume="28", number="7", pages="1887--1896" }
Barbara Thuswaldner, Simon Flöry, Robert Kalasek, Michael Hofer, Qixing Huang, and Hilke Thür. Digital Anastylosis of the Octagon in Ephesos. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1-27.
@article{hftht-ajcch-06, author = {Thuswaldner, Barbara and Fl"{o}ry, Simon and Kalasek, Robert and Hofer, Michael and Huang, Qi-Xing and Th"{u}r, Hilke}, title = {Digital anastylosis of the Octagon in Ephesos}, journal = {J. Comput. Cult. Herit.}, volume = {2}, issue = {1}, month = {July}, year = {2009}, issn = {1556-4673}, pages = {1:1--1:27}, articleno = {1}, numpages = {27}, }
Helmut Pottmann, Johannes Wallner, Qixing Huang, and Yongliang Yang. Integral invariants for robust geometry processing. Comput. Aided Geom. Design 26 (2009), 37-60.
@article{pwhy-iirgp-09, author = {Pottmann, H. and Wallner, J. and Huang, Q. and Yang, Y.L.}, journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design}, pages = {37-60}, title = {Integral Invariants for Robust Geometry Processing}, volume = 26, year = 2009, }
Qixing Huang, Martin Wicke, Bart Adams, and Leonidas Guibas. Shape
Decomposition Using Modal Analysis. Computer Graphics Forum 28(2)
[Proceedings Eurographics], 2009
@article{hwag-sduma-09, author = {Qixing Huang and Martin Wicke and Bart Adams and Leonidas Guibas}, title = {Shape Decomposition Using Modal Analysis}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, volume = {28}, number = {2}, year = {2009}, note = {to appear} }
Qixing Huang, Bart Adams, Martin Wicke, and Leonidas J. Guibas. Non-Rigid Registration Under Isometric Deformations. Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2008 (SGP), Comp. Graphics Forum, 27(5), 1149-1458, 2008.
@INPROCEEDINGS{hawg-nrrid-08, author = {Qixing Huang and Bart Adams and Martin Wicke and Leonidas Guibas}, title = {Non-Rigid Registration Under Isometric Deformations}, booktitle = {Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2008 (SGP)}, pages = {1149--1458}, year = {2008} }
Qixing Huang, Bart Adams, and Michael Wand, Bayesian Surface Reconstruction via Iterative Scan Alignment to an Optimized Prototype. In: Proc. 5th Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.
@INPROCEEDINGS{haw-bssr-07, author = {Qi-Xing Huang and Bart Adams and Michael Wand}, title = {Bayesian Surface Reconstruction via Iterative Scan Alignment to an Optimized Prototype}, booktitle = {Proc. Eurographis Symp. on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2007}, year = {2007} }
Michael Wand, Phillp Jenke, Qixing Huang, Martin Bokeloh, Leonidas Guibas, and Andreas Schilling: Reconstruction of Deforming Geometry from Time-Varying Point Clouds. In: Proc. 5th Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 49-58, 2007.
@INPROCEEDINGS{wjhbgs-rdgtvpc-07, author = {Michael Wand and Philipp Jenke and Qi-Xing Huang and Martin Bokeloh and Leonidas Guibas and Andreas Schilling}, title = {Reconstruction of Deforming Geometry from Time-Varying Point Clouds}, booktitle = {Proc. Eurographis Symp. on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2007}, pages = {49--58}, year = {2007} }
Qixing Huang, Simon Flory, Natasha Gelfand, Michael Hofer, and Helmut Pottmann: Reassembling fractured objects by geometric matching. ACM Trans. Graph. 25(3): 569-578 (2006)
@article{hfghp-rfogm-06, author = {Qi-Xing Huang and Simon Flory and Natasha Gelfand and Michael Hofer and Helmut Pottmann}, title = {Reassembling fractured objects by geometric matching}, journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.}, volume = {25}, number = {3}, year = {2006}, pages = {569--578}, }
Helmut Pottmann, Qixing Huang, Yongliang Yang, Shimin Hu: Geometry and Convergence Analysis of Algorithms for Registration of 3D Shapes. International Journal of Computer Vision 67(3): 277-296 (2006)
@article{phyh-gcar-06, author = {H. Pottmann and Q. Huang and Y. Yang and S. Hu}, title = {Geometry and Convergence Analysis of Algorithms for Registration of 3D Shapes}, journal = {Int. J. Comput. Vision}, volume = {67}, number = {3}, year = {2006}, issn = {0920-5691}, pages = {277--296}, } |
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